Carl W. Hoffman
CEO & Co-founder
Carl founded BasisTech in 1995 to help American companies enter Asian markets. In 1999, the company shipped its first products for website internationalization, enabling Lycos and Google to become the first search engines capable of cataloging the web in both Asian and European languages. In 2003, the company shipped its first Arabic analyzer and began development of a comprehensive text analytics platform. Today, BasisTech is recognized as the leading provider of components for information retrieval, entity extraction, and entity resolution in many languages. Carl has been directly involved with the company’s activities in support of national security missions, and works closely with analysts in the U.S. intelligence community. Prior to starting BasisTech, Carl worked as an independent consultant in Boston, New York and Tokyo to international clients in finance and knowledge management. Carl spent eight years on the research staff of the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science. He is an active contributor to several non-profit organizations, including the Free Software Foundation, the MIT Alumni Fund, and the Unicode Consortium.