Fermented Golden Berries
The world of fermentation is a shade of flavor that we have tinges of in day-to-day cuisine, but whose range is much more vast than I could imagine. Every fresh food I have fermented carries the familiar fizz of decomposition alcohol along with unique notes of its individual flavor, evolved. Golden berries are a great food to ferment because they start out already with a funk, so fermenting it produces juices and maturity that elevates many a dish. Try salad dressings, reductions for braising meats, and coulis. Fermentation is allowing decomposing bacteria to thrive, so make sure that all your surfaces, equipment, and hands are extremely clean. Do not go under a 2% salt solution and rinse your product for fermentation of choice gently under water.

- With a sieve, rinse the golden berries gently.
- Weight the golden berries, take 2% of that weight and measure out that amount of salt.
- Toss the salt & the berries in the bag where you will seal them.
- If using a ziploc bag, fill a container large enough to fit the whole bag underwater. Submerge the berries under the water, but keep the top above water. Take all air out of the bag and seal.
- If using a vacuum sealer, simply vacuum the berries.
- Keep at room temperature in a dark place and leave for several weeks. If the bag gets too full, cut a hole in it, drain the gas, and reseal.
- Taste weekly, when you are pleased with their taste, use or freeze in a vacuumed bag.